Last updated: February 26, 2023
The privacy of your data—and it is your data, not ours!—is a big deal to us. In this policy, we lay out: what data we collect and why; how your data is handled; and your rights with respect to your data. We promise we never sell your data: never have, never will.
Our guiding principle is to collect only what we need. Here’s what that means in practice:****
We may send you optional surveys from time to time to help us understand how you use our service and to make improvements. With your consent, we will send you our newsletter and other updates.
We’ll never sell your personal information to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.
If you donate to Econub, you will be asked to provide your payment information and billing address. Credit card information is submitted directly to our payment processor and doesn’t hit Econub servers. We do not store a record of the payment transaction.****
We do not store or track any interaction you have with our map.
We allow anyone to suggest new recycling or collection points to our map. Since all the data is publicly available, privacy is at the core of our platform. This is why all images uploaded to our map have all their EXIF data scrubbed and any faces or license plates detected in the images are blurred before the locations are publicly available so we’re compliant with the latest EU privacy laws. All submitted recycling or collection points are curated by a human on our end before they’re approved and publicly displayed on the map. We reserve the right to reject new location submission for any reason (read more about this in our Terms of Service).
We log all access by full IP address for security and fraud prevention purposes, and we keep this log data for one week.
We collect information about your browsing activity for analytics and statistical purposes such as conversion rate testing and experimenting with new product designs. This includes, for example, your browser and operating system versions, your IP address, which web pages you visited and how long they took to load, and which website referred you to us. The web analytics we use are described further in the Advertising and Cookies section.
Econub runs contextual ads on various third-party platforms such as Google, Reddit, and LinkedIn. Users who click on one of our ads will be sent to the Econub marketing site. Where permissible under law, we may load an ad-company script on their browsers that sets a third-party cookie and sends information to the ad network to enable evaluation of the effectiveness of our ads, e.g., which ad they clicked and which keyword triggered the ad, and whether they performed certain actions such as clicking a button or submitting a form.